
Musical instruments are made out of minerals, plants, and organic and synthetic chemicals.

Kiirpa Luthiers and Kiirpa Company are extremely sensitive to the delicate balance between refined musical creations and the health and security of our environment.

Some Kiirpa instruments are manufactured using primarily FSC-Forest Stewardship Council certified woods from well managed European forests and cultivations.

Other instruments require the use of woods that can only be sourced from countries where the forestry industry control mechanisms are exposed to corruption and abuse.

We source our woods very carefully and we rely on the good faith and ethics of our Italian suppliers. 

We want you to feel comfortable that your instruments are of the highest quality AND the highest standard of environmental ethics.

You can visit the websites of our two principle suppliers at these links:


We also have a reserve stock of some very precious woods such as Ebony, Burmese Teak and Cocobolo that we have conserved in our woodworking warehouse for over 30 years having been purchased prior to international certifications.